Scientist by day and flow artist by night, Meghan (Ohmega) Ferguson is constantly experimenting, both in the lab and in her free time. Flow arts has become an essential pillar of her life, which has become a creative outlet to balance the scientific part of her brain. Ohmega started hooping in Alberta, Canada in 2011 and quickly became addicted to all types of prop manipulation, from dragonstaff to buugeng. Her love for music and dance is influenced by her science career, which culminates as a mesmerizing blend of technicality and flow. She loves sharing her knowledge and is always up for a challenge!
Paola Berton
Paola Berton began hula hooping professionally in 2008 during her time in the UK. Initially self-taught, she then followed courses all over the world, collaborating and learning from internationally renowned choreographers, dancers, acrobats, actors and jugglers. In 2018 she graduated in Thai Massage at the International Thai Massage School, a study that provides her with further important knowledge of the body that helps her in her teaching and practice.
Paola brings her shows and workshops throughout Italy, she has been invited to teach abroad in many countries including Austria, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Switzerland, Slovenia, Germany, Dubai, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Norway. In several years of teaching she developed an effective method, based on the detailed simplification of every single movement and on the creative stimulation of the participants. In her workshops, a lot of importance is given to the creative part and all the exercises are aimed at increasing body awareness. She is the creator and organiser of the Italian Hoop Connection, event born in 2011 awaited and known by practitioners from all over Europe.
Lee Jeffries
Lee Jeffries is a southeastern based performance artist that has been specializing in a fusion of dance and hooping for over a decade.
He began learning multiple props under the direction of the team at Arkansas Circus Arts in Little Rock. Since then, Lee has had the wonderful opportunity to work with such companies as Facebook, Rowdy Mermaid, and Lumia Dance Company in varying capacities from performer, instructor, and choreographer.
Lee strides to cultivate community and collaboration amongst those who cross his path, and encourage all to express and share their perspective through movement!
Aneta Joke
Aneta is passionate hooper from Czech Republic and her hoop journey started about 10 years ago. She loves getting techy with multiple hoops and shows the other side of her introvert soul on the stage.
Her workshops are always filled with the newest discoveries and crazy variations for all hoop nerds. You could learn from her multiple times at SWHOOP, Hoopy Happenings or juggling festivals all over Europe. Beside solo performing, she is part of physical theatre performance for kids, she loves handstands, calligraphy and she is always keen to learn new skills. Her heart project is online hoop shop Hooplanet.cz, where she is able to bring high quality props for hoopers from all over the world.
Hoop Momo
I discovered the hula hoop at a festival in Slovakia in 2011.
The hula hoop has accompanied me in my life ever since.
I taught myself autodidactically and get inspired by breakdance.
My great passion is to merge hoopdance and breakdance into new combos and develop a new type of movement.
I have been teaching at festivals such as the Fusion 2023 and at several workshop projects.
What I love about teaching is creating a bigger hoop world with even more possibilities for the movement and the joy on faces when a new trick feels like one with the body.
Rea Leuenberger
Ihr Leben ist ein Tanz!
Rea Leuenberger, fand schon früh zu ihrer Leidenschaft dem Tanzen.
Als Kind im Garten der Nonna hat alles begonnen...
Durch ihre Neugierde und Faszination, kam sie mit den verschiedensten Tanz- und Stilarten in Berührung. Seit ihrer Ausbildung zur Tanz- und Gymnastiklehrerin SBTG, bei Katrin Piller und Ursula
Dietrich (1993-1995), bildet sie sich ständig im In- und Ausland weiter. Die meiste Inspiration fand sie bei ihren längeren Aufenthalten in den Tanzstudios des lebendigen New Yorks. Auch bei
ihren Reisen, bei denen sie die ganze Welt entdeckt und neue Impulse sammelt, die sie wieder in ihre Arbeit einfliessen lässt. In Ihren Tanz- und Bewegungskursen setzt sie auf Individualität und
fördert das eigene Movement.
Ihre Passion in der Zusammenarbeit mit Menschen ist die Sensibilisierung der eigenen Persönlichkeit in der Bewegung. Jeder Moment ist eine neue Herausforderung, Ihre Stunden sind eine
Entdeckungsreise, wandelbar, inspirierend und voller Lebensfreude.
Luca Stahl